Harrison Ford becomes a new sensation after shocking Hollywood and joining Mel Gibson’s “Non-Woke” studio. Gibson’s proclamation of seeking fresh talent for both movies and television...
In a surprising turn of events, basketball legend Michael Jordan has refused to participate in a commercial with Hollywood icon Robert De Niro. The reason? Jordan...
In a surprising and highly publicized move, Samsung Electronics has announced its withdrawal from a $1 billion advertising campaign with the International Olympic Committee (IOC). The...
Kid Rock aппoυпced oп Tυcker Carlsoп’s braпd пew show The Tυcker Carlsoп Eпcoυпter that he is laυпchiпg a toυr with Jasoп Aldeaп, Big & Rich, Travis...
In a recent interview, Mel Gibson made some explosive allegations against Oprah Winfrey, claiming that she is involved in human trafficking and that she is trying...
Wall Street opened to a 40 percent drop in Netflix stock, a $4 billion loss in market cap. You’ve probably already heard the news, patriots. Netflix,...
Star basketball player Caitlin Clark has turned down a lucrative offer from ABC to appear as a guest on an episode of the popular daytime talk...
Kid Rock has called Oprah Winfrey a “fraud” after the television icon endorsed the Pennsylvania Senate campaign of Democrat John Fetterman over his Republican opponent Dr....
Iconic actress and talk show co-host, Whoopi Goldberg, alongside soccer superstar Megan Rapinoe, declared their intentions to leave America. The overwhelming sentiment behind this unprecedented decision?...
Those familiar with this article likely know that the renowned actor has been diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia, a degenerative brain condition that has led to his...